Sunday, December 5, 2010

Being Proactive

An Entrepreneur needs to be Proactive.

Proactive people believe that we have freedom to choose.

A proactive person responds to internal stimuli.
A reactive person reponds to external stimuli.

Reactive language
I'll try.....
That's just the way I am....
There's nothing I can do.....
I have to....
I can't....

Proactive language
I'll do it...
I can do better than that...
Let's look at all our options..
I choose to...
There's got to be another way..

Highly effective people focus on the things they can control and forget about the things they can't.
An Entrepreneur asks...What can I control?
My business / my pricing / my customers / my costs / look for opportunities.

What can't I control?
The weather / the recession / the economy / the budget / oil prices / inflation

A PROACTIVE Entrepreneur focuses on what they can do and don't waste time on what they can't. They have a positive, "can-do" attitude that drives them to achieve their goals.