Sunday, September 26, 2010

2006 Case Study - recruit2suit

Select Full Screen mode below to view the 2006 Case Study.

See here for the Mind Map to accompany this case study.

Mind Map 2006 Case Study

Select Full Screen mode to view the document below.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Marking scheme for Career Investigation

Select Full Screen mode below to view the marking scheme for the Career Investigation.

Career Investigation Overview

Select Full Screen mode below to view the document.

Helpful hints Career Investigation

Select Full Screen below to view the document.

Check list for Career Investigation

Select Full Screen mode below to view the check list for the Career Investigation.

Career Investigation PowerPoint

What is a Career Investigation?

The ability to research and plan a career is an essential part of the toolkit of today’s worker, who needs to continuously respond and adapt to a rapidly changing working environment. Students too, in preparing for life after school, need to know how to access information about career opportunities and be able to evaluate the vocational options open to them.

LCVP students who engage in a career investigation, in conjunction with other guidance and counselling activities in the school, can learn important skills in career research and planning, and improve their communicative and decision making skills.

The career investigation is a short summary of the information gathered and the insights gained by a student during the course of active research into a chosen career. This portfolio item is an outcome of Unit 3 of the Link Modules, Preparation for the World of Work. In this unit students are encouraged and facilitated to actively investigate careers related to their aptitudes, interests and choice of Leaving Certificate subjects, with particular reference to their selected vocational subjects.

Helpful Tips for Action Plan

Select Full Screen mode below to view the tips for completing your Action Plan.
(Ignore the blank page in the middle :) )

Enterprise / Action Plan SLO's

Link Module II Unit 4-An Enterprise Activity
Specific Learning Outcomes

4.1 Work co-operatively with others to generate a range of ideas
4.2 Prepare a plan for the selected enterprise activity
4.3 Identify available resources to support an enterprise activity
4.4 Integrate information from a variety of sources including relevant Leaving Certificate subjects
4.5 Assess personal and group skills and identify possible training needs
4.6 Identify and recruit consultants willing to advise on a selected enterprise activity
4.7 Understand the practical importance of market research and marketing mix
4.8 Be aware of the concepts of publicity and promotion
4.9 Actively participate in group work in a variety of roles-owner, worker, team leader
4.10 Take responsibility to ensure that targets are reached
4.11 Participate in a review of group performance
4.12 Review personal performance in an enterprise activity
4.13 Prepare and present a written or verbal report on an enterprise report
4.14 link the activities in this unit to learning in relevant Leaving Certificate subjects
4.15 evaluate the successes achieved and problems encountered in this unit

Marking Scheme 2010

Select Full Screen below to view the 2010 marking schemes for each portfolio item.

Local Voluntary Organisations/Community Enterprises Slo's

Link Module II Unit 3-Local Voluntary Organisations /Community Enterprises

Specific Learning Outcomes

3.1    identify the voluntary bodies that carry out community work in the locality
3.1      describe the work carried out by a range of voluntary groups in the locality
3.2      understand and describe the different roles of adults working in voluntary community organisations
3.3      organise a visit to a local community enterprise and/or invite an appropriate speaker to visit the group in school
3.4      use learning from relevant Leaving Certificate subjects to formulate questions about aspects of a community enterprise
3.5      integrate information from a variety of sources to prepare a report, plan or presentation on an aspect of community development
3.6      link the activities in this unit to learning in relevant Leaving Certificate subjects
3.7      evaluate the successes achieved and problems encountered in this unit

Link Module I Unit 1-Introduction to working life

Specific Learning Outcomes

1.9   describe the intrinsic value of various forms of work including self employment and voluntary work

Enterprise skills SLO's

Link Module II Unit 1-Enterprise skills

Specific Learning Outcomes

1.1      describe the qualities and skills of enterprising people
1.2      recognise examples of personal, community and entrepreneurial enterprise
1.3      identify personal strengths and weaknesses
1.4      suggest a course of action appropriate to improving personal enterprise skills
1.10 link the activities in this unit to learning in relevant Leaving Certificate subjects
1.11 evaluate the successes achieved and problems encountered in this unit

Enterprise/Entrepreneur visit SLO's

Link Module II Unit 2-Local Business Enterprises

Specific Learning Outcomes

2.1      identify a range of enterprises in the local community
2.2      understand how an enterprise starts up and what support/training is available
2.3      describe the steps required to plan and carry out an investigation of a local enterprise
2.4      use learning from relevant Leaving Certificate subjects to formulate questions about aspects of a local enterprise
2.5      organise a visit to a local enterprise and invite appropriate speakers to visit the group in school
2.6      carry out a SWOT analysis of a business
2.7      report accurately on a visit by an entrepreneur to the classroom and on a class visit to a local enterprise
2.8      compare and contrast information gathered on a group visit to a local enterprise
2.9      describe a local enterprise with particular reference to products, services, markets and workforce
2.10  understand and describe the different roles of adults working in a business environment
2.11  describe the impact of the Single European Market on a specific enterprise
2.12  describe and evaluate the use of information and communication technologies in a business enterprise
2.13  understand the importance of education and training in the development of a business enterprise
2.14  link the activities in this unit to learning in relevant Leaving Certificate subjects
2.15  evaluate the successes achieved and problems encountered in this unit

Teamwork SLO's

Link Module II Unit 1-Enterprise skills

Specific Learning Outcomes
1.5   work co-operatively with others as part of a team
1.6   appreciate the value of teamwork in generating ideas, assessing risks, solving problems and completing tasks
1.7   undertake leadership of a group in an appropriate activity
1.8   plan and organise a meeting
1.9   make a presentation to peers and to adults

Career Investigation SLO's

Link Module I Unit 3-Career Investigation

Specific Learning Outcomes

3.1   identify personal aptitudes and interests
3.2   investigate a range of careers appropriate to personal aptitude and interests
3.3   identify and analyse the aptitude and skills required to pursue a specific career
3.4      describe relevant qualifications and training required for entry to the selected             
3.5      identify available opportunities to pursue a selected career locally, nationally, and where possible, at international level
3.6   plan and set up an opportunity to interview and/or work shadow a person in a
        selected career
3.6      integrate information from a variety of sources to prepare a final report on a career investigation 
3.8   reflect on and evaluate the experience of undertaking a career investigation
3.9   link the activities in this unit to learning in relevant Leaving Certificate subjects

Link Module I Unit 3-Career Investigation

Specific Learning Outcomes

3.6   plan and set up an opportunity to interview and/or work shadow a person in a
        selected career

Work Experience SLO's

Link Module I Unit 1-Introduction to working life
Specific Learning Outcomes

1.8 Identify and understand the main differences between school and work
1.10 Understand current regulations/legislation relating to the employment of young workers
1.11 Understand current Health and Safety regulations in workplaces
1.12 Role-play a situation that could give rise to a dispute in the workplace
1.13 Understand issues related to diversity in the workplace
1.14 List the different forms of assistance for unemployed people
1.15 Arrange a visit to a training scheme in the locality and/or invite an appropriate speaker from such an organisation to visit the group in the school
1.16 Link the activities in this unit to learning in relevant Leaving Certificate subjects

Link Module I Unit 3-Career Investigation
Specific Learning Outcomes
3.6 Plan and set up an opportunity to interview and/or work shadow a person in a selected career

Link Module I Unit 4- Work Placement
Specific Learning Outcomes
4.1 specify personal goals in relation to a work placement
4.2 plan and organise a work placement
4.3 attend punctually for a specific placement
4.4 dress appropriately for a specific placement
4.5 follow a set of procedures in accordance with specific instructions
4.6 communicate effectively with other workers in a particular placement
4.7 follow a specific set of instructions relating to Health & Safety
4.8 review personal experiences in relation to a work placement
4.9 analyse reports by adults of personal performance in a workplace
4.10 reflect on and evaluate a specific work placement in the light of career aspirations
4.11 describe how what has been learned can be applied to work at home, in school and in the community
4.12 present a diary/written/verbal report on a specific work placement
4.13 link the activities in this unit to learning in relevant Leaving Certificate subjects

Job seeking skills + SLO's

Link Module I Unit 2-Job seeking skills
Specific Learning Outcomes
2.1 Recognise the different ways in which job vacancies are advertised
2.2 Apply for a job by letter, telephone and e-mail
2.3 Complete an application form
2.4 Compile and create a curriculum vitae in word processed format
2.5 Explain how to prepare for a job interview
2.6 Engage in a simulated job interview

Thursday, September 23, 2010

LCVP terminology

A number of terms appear frequently in the general questions. They are listed below, along with their meanings.

Analyse: to study a problem in detail by breaking it down into various parts and examining possible relationships

Apply: to bring knowledge or skills into use for a particular purpose

Comment on: to express an opinion about something

Compare to: examine two or more things in order to discover their similarities or differences

Contrast: to show the difference/s between

Criterion: a standard by which something can be judged or decided

Characteristics: distinguishing qualities or attributes of an individual or object

Define: to state the precise meaning of

Describe: to give an account of a person, relationship, event, organisation or location

Draft: to draw up a document, letter, report

Evaluate: to find or determine the worth, value or significance of something; to assess or make a judgement

Explain: to make clear in a detailed manner

Identify: to show recognition of something

Illustrate: to make clear by means of examples, charts, diagrams, etc.

Indicate: to point out or state briefly

List: to write down a number of names or objects having something in common

Mention : to refer to briefly

Outline: to give a short summary of the important features of a subject

Qualities: the distinguishing characteristics or attributes of an individual or object

Suggest : to put forward an idea or Plan

Multiple Intelligences test

Select Full Screen mode to view the Multiple Intelligences test.

CV Check list

CV Checklist
Select Full Screen mode to view the checklist below.

Is this a good CV?

Select full screen mode to view the CV below.

CV PowerPoint from the SLSS

An LCVP Curriculum Vitae

Select Full Screen mode to view the CV below.

What are your skills?

Select Full Screen mode to view the Skills list below.

Personal Statements

Some examples are:

"I am hard working, self motivated and dependable. I have excellent interpersonal skills and enjoy working as part of a team."

"Is duine crua oibreach me. Taithnaionn liom a bheith ag obair le daoine eile. Ta tuiscint maith agam ar spiorad foirne."

"I am motivated, flexible team player with strong administration and presentation skills and inovative ideas."

"I am an enthuastic person, who is keen to learn. I deal well with conflict and have great interpersonal skills."

"I am a patient, hardworking and well organised person. I'm a good team-player with excellent IT and communication skills"

What is a CV?

Students are required to compile and create a curriculum vitae (CV) as part of Unit 2 of the Link Module, Preparation for the World of Work. This unit introduces other job-seeking skills including letter writing, form filling and interview preparation. The CV provides a challenge for students to communicate information about themselves in a way that is concise and easy to read. It is an important skill—one that may well be of use to them throughout their working lives.

A curriculum vitae is a short account of what a person has to offer a potential employer. Its purpose is to gain an interview for a job and it is likely to form the basis of that interview. While there is no one definitive template, a CV will typically contain the applicant's personal details and short statements outlining his/her qualifications, qualities and skills, work experience, achievements and interests.

For the purpose of the Link Modules’ portfolio, students should not prepare a CV for a particular job. They should compose a general, all purpose CV that concentrates on presenting relevant information in a concise and ordered way. Students will add to their skills and experience during the course of the LCVP and should be encouraged to
revise their CV's at regular intervals. It is hoped that the CV selected for inclusion in the Link Modules portfolio will contain evidence of new skills and experience gained by the student during the course of the Programme

Recorded Interview Assessment

Remember the Recorded Interview/Presentation is an optional item in the LCVP Portfolio where you can submit a video recording of you being interviewed or making a presentation. The Recorded Interview/Presentation must be related to one or more of the Specific Learning Outcomes of the link modules.
Assessment Criteria - Syllabus
The recorded interview/presentation will assess the students’ ability to:
  • Communicate effectively in appropriate depth and detail
  • Express informed opinion
  • Support answers to questions with relevant examples
  • Engage positively with the interviewer/audience
  • Use appropriate body language

The student interviewee should....

*Dress neatly and appropriately
*Adopt an open, relaxed posture
*Make eye contact with interviewer/audience
*Listen carefully and affirm questions with appropriate body language
*Speak clearly and confidently using normal conversational voice
*Express ideas/opinions/points in a logical sequence
*Take care not to drop voice at the end of sentences
*Avoid reading from notes for from visual aids
*Avoid distracting mannerisms, jargon, slang
*Explain technical terms which may be unfamiliar to interviewer/audience
*Use hand gestures where appropriate
*Use action words and phrases when describing events (e.g. I planned…we evaluated…)
*Make reference to skills gained through Link Module activities

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Recorded Interview questions

Recorded Interview/ Presentation

Sample questions from the NCCA guidelines:

'Good afternoon. In the next few minutes I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself, about what you are studying at school and what you plan to do in the future. I'm also going to ask you to tell me about the LCVP, the activities you and your class organised as part of the programme and what you feel you learned from them.'

1.Tell me a little about yourself.
2.What subjects are you taking for your Leaving Certificate?
3.What do you hope to do when you leave school?
4.That's an interesting career, why did you choose it?
5.You mentioned that you were following the LCVP. Why did you decide to take this programme?
6.You and your class organised a number of activities as part of the Link Modules.
7.Tell me about one of them.
8.What part of this activity challenged you most?
9.What advice would you give to someone in your school thinking of taking LCVP?

'Thank you for………………

Preparing answers

Ensure a logical sequence, whilst expressing informed opinions and skills acquired as part of LCVP.

The following are some suggestions from teachers that may help in preparing students to answer interview question. (These suggestions are not exhaustive and maybe useful prompts.)

1) Tell me a bit about yourself…

 Name, age, family, school, Leaving Certificate including Link Modules
2) What are you hoping to do after you finish your Leaving Certificate?

College course, points required, subjects required, alternative pathway, career investigation, interview person/ job shadow in that career.

3) You are doing the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme, as part of the programme you did some work experience, can you tell me about that.

Where you did it? What duties you carried out? How you planned for it? Whether you will follow a career in that area, and if so what the work experience taught you about the job, If not why? Has the work experience taught you something that puts you off that career path?

4) You were involved in an enterprise or action project can you tell me about that:

Planning the team, the product, the research, the challenges, the final outcome, skills learnt, finance, qualities acquired.

5) You visited an enterprise, can you tell me about the visit

Company, products, entrepreneur, management set up, the production processes if it’s a mnufacturing, research and development, marketing, markets, in particular the EU, possible jobs/careers/referees/future contacts Can you see yourself working in this organisation?

6) Can you tell me what you gained from the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme?

Activities: interviews, visits etc
Skills: teamwork skills, communication skills, research skills, interpersonal skills, organisational skills, technology skills,
Assessment: points for Leaving Certificate and Portfolio 60%, timing of written paper etc

7) Finally what advise would you give to a student participating in the LCVP? Personal experience……………….

Recorded Interview

Recorded Interview Checklist

Select Full Screen mode to view the Recorded Interview Checklist below.

Notes on the Written Paper


Select Full Screen mode to view the SLO's below.

Check List for Summary Report

Select Full Screen mode to view the Check List below

Is this a good Action Plan?

Select Full Screen mode to view the Action Plan below.

Is this a good Summary Report?

Select Full Screen mode to view the Summary Report below.

Overview of the Summary Report